Arts2Work Stories
Arts2Work is powered by the vision and programming of our partner organizations.

Women’s History Month/International Women’s Day spot from The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture
"I will not have my life narrowed down..." bell hooks. Tell Your Story. The Alliance is a network of networks; we embolden creative media organizations + artists ...
More@Alliance_arts Black History Month
The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture features short video spots each month by member organizations, artists and staff to celebrate culture, connection and inclusio ...
MorePegasus Media Project Arts2Work promo
This is the story of Pegasus Media Project in Dallas, Texas and one pilot program that changed everything.
MoreWorkforce Solutions Greater Dallas A2W
This is the story of a visionary network of Workforce Boards in Texas as they defy bureaucratic limitations and drive creative innovation across the state.
MoreSpring Grant Spotlight: Paving New Career Pathways in the Media Arts
As the old saying goes, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” But what if you don’t know the right people? What if your world feels so remote from potential g ...
More‘You have these stories’: Philly first to launch national program to diversify media industry
When Jasmin Carter, a 19-year-old Black filmmaker in Philadelphia, watches movies or broadcast news, she often doesn’t see people who look like her or stories she f ...
MoreArts2Work: New program aims to help people of color find media jobs
A new federal program to help young Black and Latinx people find jobs in the media industry kicked off in Philadelphia this summer.
MoreIf Corporations Really Want to Address Racial Inequality, Here Are 9 Things That Actually Make a Difference
Since protests over the killing of George Floyd erupted across the country, I’ve received numerous calls from corporate CEOs who want to know what they should do, a ...
MoreCOVID-19 Update
We are living in world stricken by and struggling to heal from coronavirus/COVID19.
MoreWhat is Arts2Work?
Arts2Work is the very first federally-registered National Apprenticeship Program in Media Arts + Creative Technologies. Hear from the first apprentice, Saki Bowman, ...
MoreOpen Signal's Incubator for Black Filmmakers
Open Signal Labs is a new incubator for Black filmmakers from Open Signal, a nonprofit media arts center in Portland, and an Arts2Work Training Center.
MoreGhetto Film School Paves the Way
Arts2Work partner Ghetto Film School is an incredible pipeline to creative careers — a direct on-ramp to the Arts2Work Registered Apprenticeship program.
MoreWide Angle Youth Media Creates Opportunity in Baltimore
Arts2Work partner Wide Angle Youth Media helps prepare emerging storytellers for the creative workforce in Baltimore
Morere:imagine ATL Makes an Impact
re:imagine ATL is an Arts2Work Pre-Apprenticeship Training Center making a big difference in Atlanta
MoreCan BBC Apprenticeship Schemes be a model for PBS?
This promo was made by Apprentices at the BBC. Soon, Arts2Work Apprentices in the US will be telling their stories as well!
MoreVFX Apprenticeships Inspire Arts2Work Development
In 2016, the NextGen Skills Academy launched their VFX apprenticeships in collaboration with four UK VFX studios, Framestore, Double Negative, The Mill and Lexhag. ...
MoreBAVC and Community Based Media
Award-winning filmmaker Dawn Valadez did not go to film school. In this clip, she explains the power of community-based media training at BAVC, a certified Arts2Wor ...
MoreHow D.C. Filmmaker Ajani Amiri Thomas Is Learning From Hate
Meet Ajani Thomas, an award-winning young filmmaker who helped us envision and build the DC Arts2Work community.
MoreRadical Apprenticeship: A New Model for the Future of Creative Work
Apprenticeship is not a new idea in the arts, but it is a new practice in the digital economy. We've created the very first federally-registered Apprenticeship prog ...
MoreApprenticeships are thriving – just look at Chicago
In Chicago, employers in the trades, manufacturing and health care are reaping the benefits of a new pipeline of talented and diverse workers through apprenticeship ...